Community theatre in Sioux Falls has always been important to me. It holds a special place in my heart dating back to when I first moved here in the early 90s. The performances and shows were challenging and fun, but they also introduced me to friends that I have kept throughout my whole life. There's nothing like several weeks of rehearsal to bring people together.
Theatre does that too. It has the unique ability to bring all ages, races, walks of life, backgrounds or viewpoints together. When sitting in the house, we are all there to be entertained, informed, challenged or provoked. We cry, laugh and applaud, often with strangers. That's pretty special.
And the work and talent of director, cast and crew cannot be understated. Shows don't just magically happen. But magic does happen from the confidence a child or actor gains from the stage. Art in our communities and schools is not just for our entertainment, it's fundamental to our civility and unity.
A lot has changed in Sioux Falls since my first introduction to community theatre. There are more entertainment choices, more things competing for our time, and a downtown that is thriving. I joined Sioux Empire Community Theatre board to help contribute during this very exciting time. SECT performs fantastic productions and I want to help spread the word and help anchor their space in the arts community for years and years to come.
If you're a regular SECT supporter, thank you. And be sure to invite a friend to any of our great Season 17 productions.