As I write my last 'Message From the President,' I am filled with so many emotions. Just 18 months ago I was experiencing a great deal of sadness, fear, and anxiety. With determination (and a lot of work), those feelings gradually turned into admiration, excitement, joy, trust, and satisfaction. Allow me to explain....
I have great admiration for those board members that rolled up their sleeves and put in innumerable hours to find solutions to our problems and the path to success. This past year, I admired our small staff (Kristy & Trina) for working hard and standing strong with us. I admired our production crews for putting together successful shows while working on a shoestring budget. I admired every actor who took to the stage and shared their talents with us. I admired every volunteer who believed in us and gave a most valued commodity - their time! And I admired our community for believing in us, supporting us.
It wasn't long before my admiration turned into excitement! Watching all these people come together, working together, and sharing a common goal created an atmosphere filled with positive energy. Last spring and summer I watched with awe as our summer camps came together. All three were filled with energetic children delivering delightful shows. What a great theatrical experience they had. And then Season 16 started.
As I sat in the audience during every show, I felt pure joy. The production crews appeared so polished and professional and the actors looked like they were truly having FUN! But the best thing was to watch the captured audience. I heard genuine laughter and saw empathetic tears. Exactly what the directors were going for!
As we move into Season 17, I have a great deal of trust in our Board and our community. The Sioux Empire Community Theatre will be under great leadership. The board will continue to work diligently to ensure that we will forever have a strong organization with sustainability. We are on solid ground today because we came together with a common goal: To provide quality affordable live theatre to the Sioux Empire. The power of this theatre belongs to our community.
And now my time as President comes to an end. To quote Theodore Rubin, "Happiness does not come from doing easy work but from the afterglow of satisfaction that comes after the achievement of a difficult task that demanded our best". I look back at the work you all did and I can say that I'm truly happy. Happy with the results and satisfied that we all did our best.
Kimberly Jacobson